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Author Spotlight: Steve Sansweet

This week, the 10th Anniversary Membership kits for Rancho Obi-Wan were delivered - no better time to take a tour through the many contributions of founder Steve Sansweet to the Star Wars collector's library!  Mr. Sansweet was the Vice President of Fan Relations for Lucasfilm, before founding Rancho Obi-Wan, listed by the Guiness Book of World Records as planet Earth's largest collection of Star Wars toys and memorabilia.  Along the way he's written several books for Star Wars collectors, as well as a number of behind-the-scenes resources delving into everything from the evolution of Darth Vader to the Star Wars prequels.  Browse all of the content on Steve's page in Happy Beeps - happy reading! 


Take a look at all works by Steve Sansweet!


Next Story: Tamashi Nation figures added to Happy Beeps!

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