The Young Skywalker pilots for freedom in a new statue by Iron Studios!
Over the scorching sands from the desolate and desertic planet Tatooine, among gorges, mountains, caves, and treacherous rocky formations, a dangerous and
mortal race competition takes place. Moving in high speed with perilous maneuvers, one-man repulsor crafts known simply as Podracers compete among themselves, like sleds propelled by big turbine engines. Believing to be the only human being capable of competing, in a scenario in which this sport is usually practiced
by aliens from various worlds, an enslaved boy from the Mos Espa market, joins a Jedi master in a bet in which the prize is his freedom.
Over a diorama base replicating part of the race’s track, with one of the propeller turbines raising clouds of sand next to the ground, the statue displays a dynamic scene with the vehicle inclined as if it’s turning a curve. Here Iron Studios present the Anakin’s Podracer statue, with the young Skywalker in his vehicle built by his own hands. In the emblematic scene where he fights for his freedom in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, which celebrates its 25th Anniversary!
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