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Star Wars (Non-Fiction)
Who Owns Carrie Fisher: A Complicated Embodiment of Manufactured Commodity and Avatar of Resistance
Jennifer Fogel
Wayne State University Press
Commentary (Essay)
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Publication History
Our Blessed Rebel Queen: Essays on Carrie Fisher and Princess Leia
Our Blessed Rebel Queen: Essays on Carrie Fisher and Princess Leia (paperback)
More Our Blessed Rebel Queen
Gatekeeping the Past: Fandom and the Gendered Cultural Memory of Star Wars
Harvesting the Celebrity Interface: Carrie Fisher, Virtual Performance, and Software Stars
"My Body Hasn't Aged As Well As I Have. Blow Us.": Carrie Fisher and the Unruly Aging Actress
"Carrie Fisher Sent Me": Gendered Political Protest, Star Wars, and the Women's March
Comedy from the Edge: Carrie Fisher's Autobiographical Writing
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More Commentary (Essay) from Star Wars (Non-Fiction)
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Can We Define Good and Evil?
So You Want to Be a Jedi? Learning the Ways of the Force Through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
From Phantom Menace to Phantom Limbs: Amputation, Neuroprosthetics, and Darth Vader's Brian
A Discussion with Darth Maul: Sam Witwer Interview on the Antithesis of Self-Actualization
Openness versus Closedness
Droids, Minds, and Why We Care
Grief and Masculinity: Anakin the Man
The Intergalactic Guide to Girls and Gender Psychology
The Force of Relationships: Tie Strength in Star Wars
Conscientiousness versus Recklessness
These Archetypes You're Looking For
Feel the Force: Jung's Theory of Individuation and the Jedi Path
A Distressing Damsel: Leia's Heroic Journey
Faith and the Force: Star Wars and the Psychology of Religion
Extraversion versus Introversion
Explaining the Empire: Why Good People Do Bad Things
Lando's Choice: Anatomy of a Moral Decision
Anxiety Disorder's Need for Imperial Control: Was Darth Vader Evil or Scared?
The Skywalker Way: Values in the Light and Dark
Agreeableness versus Disagreeableness
Samurai, Star Wars, and Underdogs
Yoda: Little Big Mentor
A Symphony of Psychology: The Music of Star Wars
Neuroticism versus Emotional Stability
Final Word: Our Last Hope
Introduction: Lights in the Dark Side
Shooting, Striking, Returning: Returning the Universes in Our Heads
A Long Time Ago, On a Couch on a Sidewalk
The Mark Hamill Award
Reading Star Wars
Mind on the Force
If My Mother Had Lived: A Poem by Luke Skywalker
There is Good In You
Star Wars Memories
Rebel Scum
Kinda Sorta in the Fandom
On Science Fiction
Kate and Star Wars
My Love for Star Wars
Tom's Collection of Awesome
In Defence of Jar Jar Binks
Craftus Interruptus: or Hot Glue is Not the Force
Opening Night
Star Wars Mom
I Never Wanted to Be Leia: What Han Solo Taught Two Women About Gender and Sexuality
Introduction By David Brin
Introduction By Matthew Woodring Stover
Opening Statement for the Prosecution
Opening Statement for the Defense
Charge #1: The Politics of Star Wars are Anti-Democratinc and Elitist, For the Defense
Charge #2: While Claiming Mythic Significance, Star Wars Portrays No Admirable Religious or Ethical Beliefs, For the Prosecution
Charge #2: While Claiming Mythic Significance, Star Wars Portrays No Admirable Religious or Ethical Beliefs, For the Defense
Charge #3: Star Wars Novels are Poor Substitutes for Real Science Fiction, For the Proscution
Charge #3: Star Wars Novels are Poor Substitutes for Real Science Fiction, For the Defense (Resnick)
Charge #3: Star Wars Novels are Poor Substitutes for Real Science Fiction, For the Defense (Traviss)
Charge #3: Star Wars Novels are Poor Substitutes for Real Science Fiction, For the Defense (Rusch)
Charge #4: Science Fiction Filmaking has been Reduced by Star Wars to Poorly Written Special Effects Extravanganzas, For the Prosecution
Charge #4: Science Fiction Filmaking has been Reduced by Star Wars to Poorly Written Special Effects Extravanganzas, For the Defense
Charge #5: Star Wars has Dumbed Down the Perception of Science Fiction in the Popular Imagination, For the Prosecution
Charge #5: Star Wars has Dumbed Down the Perception of Science Fiction in the Popular Imagination, For the Defense
Charge #6: Star Wars Pretends to be Science Fiction but is Really Fantasy, For the Prosecution (Wharton)
Charge #6: Star Wars Pretends to be Science Fiction but is Really Fantasy, For the Defense (Metzger)
Charge #6: Star Wars Pretends to be Science Fiction but is Really Fantasy, For the Prosecution (Bethke)
Charge #6: Star Wars Pretends to be Science Fiction but is Really Fantasy, For the Defense (Roberts)
Charge #7: Women in Star Wars are Portrayed as Fundamentally Weak, For the Prosecution
Charge #7: Women in Star Wars are Portrayed as Fundamentally Weak, For the Defense
Charge #8: The Plot Holes and Logical Gaps in Star Wars Make it Ill-suited for an Intelligent Viewer, For the Prosecution
Charge #8: The Plot Holes and Logical Gaps in Star Wars Make it Ill-suited for an Intelligent Viewer, For the Defense
Closing Statement for the Prosecution
Closing Statement for the Defense
The Verdict
Hearing the Force: Manifestations and Transformations of Music from Far, Far Away
The Space Community and the Princess: Reworking the American Space Program's Public Image from "Miss Nasa" to Princess Leia
Feminist Icons Wanted; Damsels in Distress Need Not Apply
Jedi Knights and Epic Performance: Is the Force a Form of Western-African Epic Mimicry
Deconstructing the Desert: The Bedouin Ideal and the True Children of Tatooine
Periodizing a Civil War: Reaffirming an American Empire of Dreams
An Elegant Weapon for a More Civilized Age: Star Wars, Public Radio, and Middlebrow Cold War Culture
Part of Our Cultural History: Fan-Creator Relationships, Restoration, and Appropriation
Fan Phenomena Introduction
Star Wars as a Character-Oriented Franchise
Fans, Fics, & Films"Thank the Maker(s)!"
Immersive and Interactive Adaptoins and Extensions of Star Wars
From Bikinis to Blasters: The Role of Gender in the Star Wars Community
Jediism as Religion? The Force as Old/New Religious Philosophy
Greater than the Sum of its Parts: The Singular Emergent Language of the Star Wars Universe
Star Wars Generations: A Saga for the Ages, for All Ages
The Marketing of the Force: Fans, Media, and the Economics of Star Wars
The Influence of the Force
Moving Away from Myth: Star Wars as Cultural Analysis
The Fall of the Rebellion: or, Defiant and Obedient Heroes in a Galaxy Far, Far Away - Individualism and Intertextuality in the Star Wars Trilogies
Apocalyptic Determinism in Star Wars
The Star Wars Trilogies and Global Capitalism
May the Force (Not) Be With You: "Race Critical" Readings and the Star Wars Universe
Seduced by the Dark Side of the Force: Gender, Sexuality, and Moral Agency in George Lucas's Star Wars Universe
Kill Binks: Why the World Hated its First Digital Actor
"Your Father's Lightsaber": The Fetishization of Objects Between the Trilogies
The Emperor's New Clones: or, Digitization and Walter Benjamin in the Star Wars Universe
Feminism and the Force: Empowerment and Disillusionment in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
I Have a Good Feeling About This: An Introduction
The Power Showed Us the Light: An Introduction
Chewie, We're Home: A Foreword
From THX to Star Wars: Rethinking George Lucas's Place in American Science-Fiction Cinema
Luke, Dorothy, and the Hero's Journey: We're Not on Tatooine Anymore, (Ar)To-(Dee)To
The Ecology of Tatooine as the Epicenter of the Star Wars Films
What's So Dark About the Dark Side? Good, Evil, and the Spectrum of Compassion in the Star Wars Saga
Surrounding Us and Binding Us Together: Star Wars Across the Generations
Adventures Beyond the Greatest Space-Fantasy Film of All: An Introduction
Celebrate the Love: An Introduction
Playing in Uncle George's Sandbox: A Foreword
Mapping the British Invasion: Marvel UK's Star Wars Comics
How Marvel Brought Complex Literary Themes to the Star Wars Universe
Star Wars: The Early Media Tie-In Universe Chronology
Traveling through Hyperspace: Charting the Star Wars Webcomics
Comic Bookends of the Expanded Universe: From Dawn of the Jedi to Legacy
Introduction: The Force is With Youbut You're not a Jedi Yet
"You Cannot Escape Your Destiny" (Or Can You): Freedom and Predestination in Star Wars
Stoicism in the Stars: Yoda, the Emperor, and the Force
The Far East of Star Wars
Moral Ambiguity in a Black-and-White Universe
The Aspiring Jedi's Handbook of Virtue
"A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy": Star Wars and the Problem of Evil
"Be Mindful of the Living Force": Environmental Ethics in Star Wars
A Technological Galaxy: Heidegger and the Philosopher of Technology in Star Wars
"If Droids Could Think": Droids as Slaves
"Size Matters Not": The Force as the Causal Power of the Jedi
The Force is With Us: Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit Strikes Back at the Empire
"What is Thy Bidding, My Master?": Star Wars and the Hegelian Struggle for Recognition
By Any Means Necessary: Tyranny, Democracy, Republic, and Empire
"A Certain Point of View": Lying Jedi, Honest Sith, and the Viewers Who Love Them
Religious Pragmatism through the Eyes of Luke Skywalker
Introduction: "The Circle Is Now Complete"
The Platonic Paradox of Darth Plagueis: How Could a Sith Lord Be Wise?
"You Are Asking Me to Be Rational": Stoic Philosophy and the Jedi Order
The Jedi Knights of Faith: Anakin, Luke, and Soren (Kierkegaard)
Anakin and Achilles: Scars of Nihilism
Dark Times: The End of the Republic and the Beginning of Chinese Philosophy
Chasing Kevin Smith: Was it Immoral for the Rebel Alliance to Destroy Death Star II?
The Ballad of Boba Fett: Mercenary Agency and Amoralism in War
"Know the Dark Side": A Theodicy of the Force
"Like My Father before Me: " Loss and Redemption of Fatherhood in Star Wars
The Friends of a Jedi: Friendship, Family, and Civic Duty in a Galaxy at War
Light Side, Dark Side, and Switching Sides: Loyalty and Betrayal in Star Wars
Guardians and Tyrants in the Republics of Star Wars and Plato
Pregnant Padme and Slave Leia: Star Wars' Female Role Models
Of Battle Droids and Zillo Beasts: Moral Status in the Star Wars Galaxy
Why the Force Must Have a Dark Side
What Is It Like to Be a Jedi? A Life in the Force
"Never Tell Me the Odds": An Inquiry Concerning Jedi Understanding
Mindless Philosophers and Overweight Globs of Grease: Are Droids Capable of Thought?
Can Chewie Speak? Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Language
"In That Time" in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Epic Myth-Understandings and Myth-Appropriation in Star Wars
Star Wars Emotions, and the Paradox of Fiction
The Mind of Blue Snaggletooth: The Intentional Stance, Vintage Star Wars Action Figures, and the Origins of Religion
Gospel, Gossip, and Ghent: How Should We Understand the New Star Wars
Introduction: Jedi Mind Tricks
Pale Starship, Pale Rider: The Ambiguous Appeal of Boba Fett
A Night Out at the Memeplex
Works Every Time
The Chrysanthemum and the Lightsaber
The Force Visits Willoughby, Ohio
Anakin, Get Your Gun
Becoming Darth Vader
Planet Rock: Star Wars and Hip-Hop
Jedi Uber Alles
Star Wars Tale
A Star Wars Miscellany: Extracts Culled from Various Media
Married to the Force
Introduction: "Of That Time, of That Place
Is Star Wars a Modernized Fairy Tale?
From Disneyland to Modesto: George Lucas and Walt Disney
May the Myth Be With You, Always: Archetypes, Mythic Elements, and Aspects of Joseph Campbell's Heroic Monomyth in the Original Star Wars Trilogy
Not So Long Ago not Far Away: New Variations on Old Themes and Questioning Star Wars' Revival of Heroic Archetypes
From Sky Walking to Dark Knight of the Soul: George Lucas's Star Wars Turns to Tragic Drama
Under the Infulence of Akira Kurosawa: The Visual Style of George Lucas
Balancing the Force: How Media Created by Star Wars Now Defines the Franchise
A Long Time Ago on a Newsstand Far, Far Away: The Mythic Comic Book Hero in Marvel Comics' Star Wars
The Jedi Network: Star Wars' Portrayal and Inspirations on the Small Screen
Gaming in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: The History of the Expanded Worlds, Canon Conflicts, and Simplified Morality of Star Wars Video Games
Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars?: Digital Cinema, Media Convergence, and Participatory Culture
"Cowboys in Space": Star Wars and the Western Film
Introduction (Sex, Religion, and Politics)
A Rocky Road to Star Wars: The Early Life and Career of George Lucas
Star Wars in Black and White: Race and Racism in a Galaxy Not So Far Away
Beyond Judeo-Christianity: Star Wars and the Great Eastern Religions
May the Force Be with Jew: The Jedi-Hebraic Connection
Star Wars: An Exhibition in Cold War Politics
Fighting the Evil Empire: Star Wars, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the Politics of Science Fiction
Lightsabers, Political Arenas, and Marriages for Princess Leia and Queen Amidala
The Over-Soul of the Force: Emersonian Transcendentalism in the Star Wars Saga
George Lucas and Freud's Anal Stage Manifetations of Excretory and Vaginal Fear in THX 1138 and Star Wars
The War for Star Wars
Defining the Jedi Order: Star Wars' Narrative and the Real World
Foreword: I Have a Bad Feeling About This
"Thank the Maker" - George Lucas, Lucasfilm, and the Legends of Transtextual Authorship across the Star Wars Franchise
Another Canon, Another Time - The Novelizatoins of the Star Wars Films
Franchising Empire - Parker Brothers, Atari, and the Rise of Lucasarts
Transmedia Character Building - Textual Crossovers in the Star Wars Universe
The Digitizing Force of Decipher's Star Wars Customizable Card Game
How Star Wars Became Museological - Transmedia Storytelling in the Exhibition Space
Invoking the Holy Trilogy - Star Wars in the Askewniverse
From Transmedia Storytelling to Transmedia Experience - Star Wars Celebration as a Crossover/Hierarchical Space
Space Bitches, Witches, and Kick-Ass Princesses - Star Wars and Popular Feminism
The Kiss Goodnight from a Galaxy Far, Far Away - Experiencing Star Wars as a Fan-Scholar on Disney Property
Formatting Nostalgia - IMAX Expansions of the Star Wars Franchise
Afterword: "You'll Find I'm Full of Surprises" - The Future of Star Wars
Why Rebels Triumph: How "Insignificant" Rebellions Can Change History
"Part of the Rebel Alliance and a Traitor": Women in War and Resistance
Elegant Weapons for Civilized Ages: The Jedi and Warrior Monks Throughout History
"A House Divided": The Causes and Costs of Civil War
I, Sideous: Historical Dictators and Senator Palpatine's Rise to Power
Teen Queen: Padme Amidala and the Power of Royal Women
"There's Always a Bigger Fish": Power, Politics, and the Rule of Rebellion
"Fear is the Path to the Dark Side": Nuclear Weapons and the Death Star
From Slavery to Freedom in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
"Greed Can Be a Powerful Ally": The Trade Federation, the East India Company, and Chaotic Worlds of Trade
Coruscant, the Great Cities of Earth, and Beyond
Introduction: The Forces of History and the History of the Force
Expanding on Legends: An Introduction
Glory, We Found Glory: An Introduction
Expanding the Universe: A Foreword
The Canon Question: A Slight Return
Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, and Radio Days: The Star Wars Works of Brian Daley
A Wild Ride of the Die: The Star Wars Roleplaying Game
War and Peace: Star Wars and the Myth of Redemptive Violence
A History of Star Wars Action Figures
The Lean Years: When Star Wars Vanished
The Will of the Force: by George, William Shakespeare's Star Wars
Universes Expanded: Guardians of the Galaxy Far, Far Away
Finding Our Lack of Blind Faith Refreshing: Why the Love of the Saga Means Being Critical
Foreword (Strategy Strikes Back)
Preface (Strategy Strikes Back)
Introduction (Strategy Strikes Back)
The Jedi and the Senate
Distant Warriors: Are Clones and Troops too Separate from the Societies They Serve?
Civil-Military Relationships in Star Wars
From Princess to General: The On- and Offscreen Rise of the Woman Warrior
Tarkin Doctrine: The Empire's Theory of Victory
How Not to Build an Army: The Empire's Flawed Military Force
The Jedi and the Profession of Arms
The Right Fleet: Starships for Strategic Purpose
Why We Need Space Marines
Jedi Mind Tricks: From the Reel to the Real
Lightsabers and Death Stars: Military Technology Lessons from Star Wars
The Logic of Strategy in Space
Darth Vader and Mission Command
Why Military Forces Adapt, Even in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Darth Vader's Failed Counterinsurgency Strategy
Why the Jedi Won Fights, Not Wars
Why the Galactic Republic Fell: An Imperial Network Perspective
Why the Empire Failed
Star Wars, Cyclical History, and Implications for Strategy
Suffer, the Weak Must: A History of the Galactic Civil War
A Strategist, Yoda Was Not
Epilogue: The Lessons of Star Wars
Introduction: Being Sith Lord Sexypants
The Brightest Shadow: From Fighting Darkness to Seekng It
Leia "the hutt slayer" and Rey "the next generation badass boss bitch"
The Racism Awakens
Do or Do Not, There is No Try: Race, Rhetoric, and Diversity in the Star Wars Universe
Ritual, Repetition, and the Responsibility of Relaying the Myth
Memory, History, and Forgetting in Star Wars Fandom
The Ion Canon Will Fire Several Shots to Make Sure Any Enemy Ships Will Be Out of Your Flight Path
Introduction: A New Perpsective
Introduction (Transmedia Franchise of Star Wars TV)
Foreword (Transmedia Franchise of Star Wars TV)
Rebel Violence
The Dark Side of the Rebel Alliance
Beyond Light and Darkness: A Generation Awakens
The Galaxy's Military-Industrial Complex
There is Another: The Decline and Fall of Leia Organa
Gender, Social Norms, and Disney's Star Wars
Leia and Rey Through the Male Gaze
An Object of Rebellion: Princess Leia's Sexualized Feminism
Galactic Orientalism
Exoticizing Otherness: The Latent Racism of Star Wars
Star Wars and the Conditions of Ethnocentrism
Oppressive Languages: Galactic Basic and Global English
It's Our Lot in Life: The Marginalization of Droids
How the Subaltern Interact
Clones and Hybridity
Artificial Intelligence: A New Hope?
Star Wars and Gothic Marxism
Acts of Rebellion: Justifiable Murder
Gothic Rebellion
The Strange Case of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader
"The circle is now complete": Transmedia Storytelling and Nostalgia in Star Wars Television Adverts
The Princess Strikes Back: Forces of Destiny and the Capitalization of the Disney Princess
Canonical Legends: How the Expanded Universe (Selectively) Lives On in TV
Gatekeeping the Past: Fandom and the Gendered Cultural Memory of Star Wars
"My Body Hasn't Aged As Well As I Have. Blow Us.": Carrie Fisher and the Unruly Aging Actress
"Carrie Fisher Sent Me": Gendered Political Protest, Star Wars, and the Women's March
Comedy from the Edge: Carrie Fisher's Autobiographical Writing
Postcards from the Valley of the Broads: Carrie Fisher, Jacqueline Susann, and Feminist Camp Authorship
"Stay Afraid, but Do It Anyway": Carrie Fisher's Mental Health Advocacy
Threshold Guardian to Space Mom: Here but for the Sake of Carrie, Go I
The Struggle Between the Light and Dark Sides: The Ideology of Star Wars
The Political Economy of Star Wars
The Connection of the Star Wars Film Series to the Ancient Roman Civilization of the Meditteranean
A General Overview of Star Wars Characters as Archetypes
The Evolution of Women's Representations in Star Wars: Leia, Padme, and Rey
The Acousmatic Sounds of Star Wars
The Use of Visual Effects in Star Wars, Past and Present
The Creators of Star Wars: Writers, Directors, and Legends
Media Visibility in the Context of Storytelling: Research on Star Wars
The Music of Star Wars
The History and Politics of Star Wars: Death Stars and Democracy
Theology and the Star Wars Universe Introduction
The Word of God and the W(h)ill of the Force: Canon and Authority within the Star Wars Universe and Franchise
Use (the) Force: Jedi, Monks, and Unexpected Violence
And What More Shall I Say?: Heroism in Hebrews 11 and Star Wars
Rediscovering the Sith and the Jedi: A Spiritual Analogy in Renaissance Humanism and Desert Asceticism
From Padawan to Jedi: The Theological Premise for the Necessity of the Master-Aprrentice Relationship in the Path of the Spiritual Ascension
And Also With You: An Examination of the Demystification of the Jedi and the Clergy
Subverting the Ancient Religion: The Gray Ecclesiology of Ahsoka Tano and Old Man Luke
Undoing the Memory Wipe: Metz, Droids, and the Victims of History
Bringing Balance to the Force: George Lucas's Politico-Critical Refiguring of Salvation
The Modern Manicheans: Binaries of Light and Dark in Contemporary Culture
Thomas Aquinas's Account of Hope as a Hermeneutical Lens for Star Wars
An Arche not Anarchic Enouch: A Spirited Critique of the Force
Introduction (Star Wars & Philosophy Strikes Back)
Foreword (Star Wars: Essays Exploring a Galaxy Far, Far Away)
The Evolution of Twileks in the Star Wars Universe
Saving What We Love: The Hope and Resistance of Makers and Craftspeople in Disneys Star Wars
The Dead Moms Peril: Star Wars and the Dispossession of the Mother Figure
The Map in the Mirror: Reflections of Time, Self, and Salvation in Star Wars and Harry Potter
Sabacc Fans Playable Representations of Star Wars Cultural Memory
From 'Utinni!' to 'Aliit Ori'shya Taldin': the Glossopoeiac Journey of Star Wars
Expanding Universes: Star Wars and the Cultivation of Canon
Introduction (Lucas: His Hollywood Legacy)
Reflections on George Lucas and Modesto
Marcia Lucas: Her Life and Hollywood Legacy
"Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been?": The Alientation of the Administered Society, Running to Freedom, and the Dystopianism of George Lucas's THX 1138
American Graffiti and More: The Scholarly and Aesthetic Legacies of an Inaugural Nostalgia Film
Writing About Star Wars: A Historiography of the Star Wars Original Trilogy
"Archaeology is the search for fact...not truth": How Indiana Jones Redefined Our Relationship with the Past
From Sass to Seduction: The Ambiguously Tough Ladies of Star Wars and Indiana Jones
Researching the Lucasfilm Yearbooks: "FAMILYONE WIFE, ONE DISCO-BOOGIE BABY, AND 425 FOSTER KIDS"
Notes on the Lucas-Spielberg Syndrome
The Dislocations of Skywalker Ranch
Lucas Meets Luxo: Lucasfilm's Computer Graphics Lab (CGL) and the Development of Pixar Animation Studios
The Audience Is Listening: The Film Sound Legacy of George Lucas
LucasArts and the Hollywoodization of Video Games
Franchise and Edutainment in the History of Lucasfilm Television
George and the Dinosaurs: George Lucas's Contributions to The Land Before Time and Jurassic Park
From Rebels to Emperors to Jedi Spirits: Walt Disney, George Lucas, and Their Fans
George Lucas in Museums
My Life With the Jedi: The Spirituality of Star Wars
Introduction (Star Wars: Essays Exploring a Galaxy Far, Far Away)
21-87: Not Just a Number in Star Wars
Darth Solo
Jedi Knights, Dark Lords, and Space Cowboys: George Lucas's Re-Imagined and Redefined Masculine Identities
Homosexual Romance and Self-Realization in Star Wars
Star Wars and the Technophobic Imagination
Dagobah, Nebraska
Final Lego Star Wars May the 4th Products!
Two New Black Series Products Announced!
Mattel Plush Releases New Din Grogu Plush!
Marvel Star Wars Solicitations for July 2024
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